i think experienced members dont realize how many beginners read and follow a thread, and ultimately learn from it. most beginners are too afraid to poke there heads above the wall and ask a question in a thread because so many jump on them and say start your own thread or keep topic on track, i understand why this is done but it also has a negative effect because alot of people dont get to know just how much of there advice is taken in by others.
SIMPLE SOLUTION. there isnt one :S
all i can say is beginners grow a skin ask a relevant question in a thread and dont be offended if your told to go do your own thread.
and to you pro's i say. it may seem like some OP's are off there tree or not payin attention but sometimes they ask questions that to you seem stupid but to alot of beginners following a thread it is probably the same question they would ask if they had the wedding bits to do it.
sorry if off topic blah blah blah but needed saying
oh and incase its of any use at all the thread i posted about earlier is here
well somewhere in that thread