SErvo motor to be attached to wheels

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New Member

i really need anyone's help rite now. im currently working on a line following robot. i ve built the pic16f877 circuit and i already built the IR circuit. Rite now, i have one doubt. the actuator. i have a couple of Hitec HS311. n i dont wanna spend more on buying motors. Can i use those Hitec servo motors as the actuator, to move the robot? i already hacked it. what i should do next? thanks.
It's not often someone asks a question after they have already done the hardest bit!

If you already hacked the servo for continuous rotation just stick some wheels onto the hub. Send a regular servo PWM pulse to control the servo speed. "Center position" is stop. 0 degrees is "full speed CW. 180 degrees is "full speed CCW".

You already did the hard part. Just make sure the robot isn't so heavy that the servos aren't strong enough.
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