sharp GP2 sensor

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I am using SHARP GP2Y3A003K0F sensor for obstacle detection i.e. if an obstacle comes in some range of GP2,a buzzer will sound. As I know I analogue o/p of GP2 changes with distance and I am interpreting the same using 8 bit ADC of ATMEGA 16.
In datasheet it is given that phase shifted pulses have to be given to the LEDs. But the problem is when I give such pulses my ADC readings don't follow the expected trend (i.e. decreasing as obstacle moves away from the sensor.)The ADC readings are quite abrupt.
But if I keep only one LED CONTINUOUSLY ON then the ADC readings decrease as the obstacle moves away from the sensor.They detect obstacle perfectly.
So I what could be the use of those 5 LEDs ? Or how should they be operated?
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