shift register led sequencer.Did I do this right

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Hi All, I found this circuit from on1aag on a thread that many participated in, but its not quite what I need. I altered it to suit my needs, but I don't know if what I did is right and I'm hoping someone can tell me if it looks like it will work. Also I couldn't read all of his values so I am also hoping to get some help with that. Can I attach Vdd, Vcc and Vss all to the same 13.5 volts. Mine is the computer generated, his is the hand written. Thanks for the help, adown


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Vcc and Vdd possibly since they are both a positive voltage supply depending on the voltage requirements of the components they are powering. BUt not Vss since that's ground.

This is the pairing:


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Yes Vss is gnd. Stoopid question. Both my components are labed the same Vdd and Vss, I got Vcc from on1aag's drawing. Trying to turn his drawing into something that works has got me over thinking what I'm doing(not that I know what I'm doing). How about his cap and resistor values? I would like to trigger the 4093 with 13.5 volts to pulse every 1/2 second so the shift register lights all 3 led's and resets in 2 seconds to start over. Any ideas what I need to make them work. anyone. Thanks adown
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