Shiftlight Project

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New Member
Hi All,

Im currently building an AutoX car which I would like to fit a shiftlight to. ( If you dont know this is a light to tell you when engine revs are at there peak and you should change up a gear! )

Does anyone know of a circuit that will count the number of pulses from the coil and give a warning at a set number of pulses (revs)



Just seen another post on this form about problems with a shift light and that has a circuit diagram using LM2907.

I looked in the maplin catalogue and they only stock the LM2917N.

Can anyone give me a cicuit diagram for this IC

the car has a 4 cyl engine.



PS Im a complete novice with electronics. I can use a soldering iron and have constructed a few projects over the years but that is all.

Hi there Iain,

the sole difference betwene the LM2907 and the LM2917 is that the LM2917 has a built in zener on pin 9, hence you can use the LM2917 and omit the zener in the circut diagram.

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