Shocking Pen?

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I need help making a shock pen to trick my friends and stuff..
when u press on the top, it shocks the finger...
does anyone have any good links to making it or know how to make it?

the best way i think is to have a cap inside the pen and another device to charge the cap.
i think that it will be preety hard to make the pen as you want and keep the pen working.....
do you want to keep the pen working and gove a shock too?
Ok try this UJT relexation schematic. You need only 3 components and a small transformer. The transformer can be constructed using a tiny ferrite rod. Wind thin enameled copper wire on the rod with deisred no. of turns ratio of primary:secondary. Secondary turns should be more than primary for boosting the voltage.

The frequncy of UJT oscillator can be varied by changing R & C values. At present it is around 1kHz. The forula of frequency is R*C*ln(1/(1-n)) Where n = 0.68. Also don't forget the series resistor R4 in the transfomer secondary as it is shown in original stun gun schematic.

Solder the components on a thin strip of general purpose vero-board which can be fitted inside a pen. Cut the strip froma large board using hexsaw blade. Battery size is still a problem but you can put four 1.5V button batteries in series which will give 6V. I think the circuit will work at 6V too.


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i haven't seen them in a while, but i think that they are still made : some batterise that are the same size of a AAA bat, but just half the lenght and have 12V.
this could be used.......
The trigger transformers used for strobe lights might fit in a pen. They put out a pretty high voltage.
a friend of mine bought one at a gas station that uses a small reed type relay firing into a small transformer. the output of that was in a loo from the body of the ped, and then the end of the clicky part, which had a switch and would only aply the voltage tot he realy when the penn was clicked.
That pen you are talking about is a mechanical one which uses the same concept as household piezo gas lighters do. Whenever you press the trigger, a metal bar is truck heavily onto a piezo material which generates a high voltage spark and its really painful to touch it.

Even gas ligther can be turned into a schocking pen. Do it at your own risk. The person you are shocking might not leave any one-piece bone in your body.

cool, so where can i get this "piezo" material?
and its best to elve it inside there so, becasue its hard to make it generate teh same voltage after u take it out... me found this out the hard way!
cool everyone, thanks for ur help

so this is what i should do:
find the piezo material and stick it inside the pen and over it put a metal bar that is connected to the clicker-thing
when its clicked, its touches the piezo and shocks?

thats what i understood and i dunno if itll work, so can anyone explain it step by step so ill know what to do and wont shock myself badly.. hehe :lol:

Piezo material when mechanically deformed i.e if you try to change its shape or size mechanically produces electric pulses. This concept is used in lighters.
A shocking pen

A shocking pen

One of the most natural pranks played at college is to hand over a shocking pen along with a Valentine's Day card. Then you request the member of the other sex

to write down their contact number using the shocking pen. You may also present it to a teacher who annoys you while writing remarks on your assignments

submitted. The price of this pen is not very high. However online purchases can be made for shocking pen and payment can be made using your credit card. It

turns out to be a mutual shock. A credit card bill carrying purchase of shocking pen is really a shock. The features of a shocking pen remain the same.
A shocking pen. Is perhaps one of the easiest pranks played? To keep this pen at places where the boards "use me" is adjacent. This may be next to your telephone

directory besides the telephone. You always want a pen to write down something essential. You can present a medical practitioner with this pen if you are a

medical representative and your doctor just does not recommend your company’s products.
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