Shout out for HiTech

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Well-Known Member
Where are you.

I haven't been around. And I haven't seen any post's.

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The stats show that his last login was on the 6th of February 2009 @ 08:50 AM, so just hang tight.
I'm here! Was only gone 1 day to camp. Wish my wife missed me as much as some folks here do. My dog sure missed me though.
Me too and I had this bad reputation omg... I was just asking things when I was in school and now I need to regain this reputation
Maybe he's trying to say Hi. But lost his connection.

I think it's Morse Code (._._._.) Which should translate as ( RC ).

Which I think it should be.

However, ( .... ) would be translated as (H) and that would mean .... .. is




Edit: I just missed it. They are spaced so, ( . . . . ) ( B B B B )

Come back and give the hidden Key !
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Wrong, run together like that is just gibberish.
._. _._. would be R C

Wrong again, . is E
so . . . . would be E E E E


That's what I get for trying to translate off a Morse Code Website.

I was just trying to reach out to them.

E E E E ∞ Ω

Some day's are like that you just have Infinite Resistance.


Thanks JimB for the Lesson.
For those who want a quick starter.


As I have no real interest. But you never know if someone may like this.

All the other sites I found using other browsers could not pull this one up.

SV. . . .

.... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. Looking at the key it is hi,hi,hi,hi

Reminds me of watching a Japanese movies.

Yes, the word "hi" is used to denote laughter when using Morse Code... typically sent twice in a row (hi hi). I guess by today's modern standards, "lol" would also suffice.
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