Show us your hobby workbench

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Are you an electronics hobbyist? Do you design/build your own projects in your spare time? Do you have your own little workbench?

If so, show us your workbench!

I've converted my garage into a little workshop. It's nothing special, I've left the garage standard (so that it's easily converted back if I move) and just setup a few work surfaces there. I've also put in an isolated mains supply in addition to raw mains.

Take a look.


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I still don't have satifactional place where I can build my stuff, sometimes I work in my Mom's kitchen, sometimes elsewhere Grr. And my room is so small...
I used to have that problem when living at home. I used to dangle a 4-way extension block into the dining room and build some stuff there. I used to hate that. My parent's hated it too, especially the time I dropped my soldering iron and burnt the carpet.

When I looked at this house I've got now (it's my 1st house) the thing I REALLY loved about it was that the garage was built on to the house, so I can walk from my hallway into the garage. What a greak workshop that'd make, I thought, and promptly bought the house hehe

It's quite a cheap meter, but it does everything I need. If I was going to spend decent money on a meter, I'd get one of those ones that double-up as a portable scope.

My pride and joy is my Tektronix DSO, I use that a lot. I've also got a logic-analyser which is out of shot.

My multimeter was $45 And along whith the basic functions it can mesure capacitence,feqency and temperature (probe included).

Its prety imresive for $45.I also got that yelow ruber stand whith it.(Its prety useful to have it stand up)
If i had noting beter to do i might do an MSpaint sceth of what it thik it wod look like.But nah i shure have beter stuff to do.

But what wod come out may be funy.

btw:Im not so good whith photoshop and suff like that.
Here's my humble bench, i got one whole side of our 4 car garage dedicated to me :lol:

EDIT: look at my scope, i took the shot just as the beam was starting :lol:


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My best offering

Well, JimB's set-up has got to take some beating :shock:

I don't have a permanent bench, I set up the gear I need at the time I want it and get made to pack it all away when the room is required for visitors
NOTE that my gear is cheap but more than good enough for what I do
(15MHz oscilloscope taking pride of place -- lots of OLD Thandar gear).


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mechie, wow. You have more equipment then some firms and schools have :lol:
I wish I had such things... (Osciloscope, Generator...) I am broke.
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