SI3000 + DSpic30f4013

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New Member
I found one of your posts about DSPic30f and SI3000 codec,
First, i am a newbie in codec's, normaly i am programming in CCS,

I and a ham friend, we are building Ham radio Repeaters,
We have a project Called DROIP or Diversity Repeater over IP.

we like to connect several receivers over ip and test then for de best signal.
mine idea is to code audio (max 4khz) by the si3000 to ip, connection between the receiving points is done by long distanse WIFI (+10miles)

can anybody help me in the right ditection or provide me with some sample code to start up endoding and decoding?

manny thanks,
and may i wish you, and your family a healty and happy 2009!

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