Signal converter

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New Member
Hello all. I have a question. I am currently putting together a RCR SLC for a customer of mine. The transmission is out of a ford gt and uses a standard ford speed sensor which I believe is an inductive style. Now the gauge cluster unit we are using is a DD2 pro+ which uses a Hall effect sensor for speed indication. My question is, is there a circuit that would convert the inductive signal to replicate the Hall effect signal? I would like to utilize the speed sensor in the transmission so I can keep this as factory as possible. I'm aware that an inductive speed sensor produces a sine wave with voltage that can rise up to 20v. The Hall effect sensor with the dash unit is based off of a 5v supply. Thank you in advance for your help!
I replied to this thread and the post is gone. You probably got it via email, I hope. I may have to do it again, then.
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