Signal Processing LSI for CD Players (hard one)

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Datasheet :
**broken link removed**

What is pin 2 for?
"Left/right channel discrimination signal output"

And.. what is subcode ?? (diference between data output and subcode data output).

Subcode is information recorded onto the disc that tells the player various things about the CD playing such as the name of the track, length, postion, etc, pretty much everthing in the table of contents for that disc. It also defines things such as if to allow a digital to digital recording, pre-emphasis, and how many channels are in the recording.

I would imagine that the discrimination output signal is used for error correction regarding how well the device is separating left and right channels. Probably part of a feedback loop.
I didnt read the data sheet sheet (2 complicated, im 2 tired) but it sounds like it just means whether the left and right speaker should play this sound, or just the left/right. You know, like when you listen 2 music sometimes different sounds will come out of the two speakers. My best guess . . .
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