Simple ampilifier for turntable

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New Member
Both my mother and I have large collections of phonograph records. I have aquired a decent turntable and would like to connect to my computer to record the records and burn CD's. These CD's would be for personal use to preserve the records.

My turntable output is straight off the needle cartridge, no amplification. I can record the music but it's just barely over the background noise. My thought was to use two LM386N audio amp chips, one on each leg, to boost the output to a more acceptable level. I don't want a huge boost because it might overdrive the line input on my sound card.

I'm hoping that I can find a low voltage supply somewhere inside the turntable for power, but can use batteries if need be [ just rather not ].

Your idea won't work. You will need to build a pre-amp which has an RIAA equalisation curve to correct the signal as it comes out of the cartridge. If you hunt around I am sure you will find a suitable circuit somewhere on the web.

For more info on what RIAA Equalisation is click here (Wikipedia)
For a sample circuit that should work **broken link removed** (two circuits)
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