Simple circuit for RS232 to Robot

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Anybody please help me , a simple connection between RS232 to robot
My robot has 4 axis of freedom. show me the best way :
Am desining a robotic arm , its job is simple to tighten the screws at at different co-ordinates.. am using 4 servo motors and PIC16F238 to control the 4 servo via RS232 . Would you please refer me the simple circuit connection diaram cos am a beginer.
Thank you Christe!!
But another thing!

as is stated above in need to ctrl 4 servo motors.. May i use PIC?! or anything
which connets with rs232 and working under a program( vb or any) and check out this link
they'll tell you more..
Is there anymore easy ways ple tell me...
**broken link removed**
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boss43 said:
Is there anymore easy ways ple tell me...
That's about as easy as it gets. Your only problem with trying to do that project with a newer PIC such as the 16F628A is that you'll need a copy of the PicBasic compiler to recompile the code for the 16F628 as the *.hex file is for the 16F84. Or you could write your own code in asm!
How could i create a robotic arm that acts as traffic aide?

How could i create a robotic arm that acts as traffic aide? With a stop and go mechanism? Could anyone help me start a circuit for it? Its for my thesis.. Thanks! GOD bless!
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