Hi, Atomsoft. I recently thought of a way (theoretically) that allows someone to use a single ADC pin to detect a press of a 4x4 keypad. It uses a handfull of resistors in a divider situation, see attached diagram. When nothing is pressed, there is a pullup resistor only. Pressing a key produces a voltage out of the divider from ~1.9V to 3.55V. If you connect the divider also to a comparator, you can have it detect the drop below 4V. Just connect the comparator's output to an interrupt-on-change pin to have the processor take a reading of the divider's output, figure which key was pressed, and act accordingly. If this interests you, I could even add the comparator to the diagram and put the new version here. My design was just going use a constant poll of the ADC pin in the main routine.
Hope this helped.
Later: Ignore the diagram here. Go to the corrected diagram below!