Simple DIY - extending connectors to fit on a small PCB

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I'm currently trying to repair and better (ideally) a subwoofer, as you will probably have seen from my numerous posts at the moment. I have a simple, practical question, that people might have experience with...

I'm trying to fit an improved capacitor, considerably larger that the previous on, on a PCB. The problem is not volume as such, as I am going to stick if underneath the PCB, but leads length! The PCB holes are close, between 0.5-1cm, where as the new caps I got are much wider, and the pins are not long enough to be brought inwards and connected. (See pic, hopefully attached correctly, the problematic caps are the orange ones to the left.)

In simple terms, how I get around this problem, ideally lengthening the those connectors, without it being much of a shabby DIY job...? I was originally thinking of soldering "extensions", but that would most likely result in nothing else but frustration and finger burns...

Thanks for the ideas!


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Some ideas:

1. Find a spot which the cap will fit on the PC board. Drill 2 small holes. Solder the lead to create a lip. Insert the cap and make the connections with solid insulated wire.

2. Mechanically fasten using tywraps and tywrap mounting clips that are screwed on.

3. Attach a block of wood if you have room. Tywrap the caps to the wood with the mounting clips.

4. Create a daughter PC board with standoffs or L-brackets and wire to the daughter PC board.

5. For the axial electrolytics to replace radial electrolytics, take a piece of say 18 AWG insulation and insulate the leads while bending them around. Heat shrink also works.

The small daughter perf board mounted with standoffs or small L-brackets (electronics) variety would probaby be the cleanest. You may or may not want to use a connector to attach the wires to the board.

Use this Digi-Key search term and then look under bracket.

If your not familiar with perf board construction see here and look at figure 8.
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