Simple electronic projects for kids

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New Member
I would like to introduce a once a week math and science tutoring class at my son's school. The class would last for an hour where 15 to 20 min would be dedicated to tutoring, then it would roll over into a project that will show application of what they just learned. I saw some talks of LED's, 7 segment displays and even how to build a motor. These projects peaked my interest but was in need of some instructions and/or schematics. Do you know of a website where I can get this information for free? Even more ideas will be helpful.
My electronic background is a little above basic limited to a hobby.

I would start of with electrics rather than electronics. Simple circuits involving batteries, bulbs, switches, buzzers, relays, motors. There is an excellent design of the simplest electric motor around (google "simple electric motor"). You can also build your own buzzers.

well if you want to get some info on electronics then i would suggest

but for the kids like Pommie sugested for for electrics so they can understand the flow of current in simple small dc motor fans,bulbs etc.
well if you want to get some info on electronics then i would suggest

but for the kids like Pommie sugested for for electrics so they can understand the flow of current in simple small dc motor fans,bulbs etc.
Good place to start and good info. The key will be to get simple projects that can be done in a short amount of time in order to keep their attention span and interest. I am Ok with the basics in electronics it is the actual project that I am having trouble coming up with that will peak the curiosity of a 5th or 6th grader.

Electricity will be the start.

Good place to start and good info. The key will be to get simple projects that can be done in a short amount of time in order to keep their attention span and interest. I am Ok with the basics in electronics it is the actual project that I am having trouble coming up with that will peak the curiosity of a 5th or 6th grader.

Electricity will be the start.
Good place to start and good info. The key will be to get simple projects that can be done in a short amount of time in order to keep their attention span and interest. I am Ok with the basics in electronics it is the actual project that I am having trouble coming up with that will peak the curiosity of a 5th or 6th grader.

Electricity will be the start

Been years since I thought about that rule.

**broken link removed**

Whenever I think of that rule it reminds me of exams where people were twisting their hand into painful looking position to try and orientate it correctly. Lol.

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