Simple I2C question

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I'm interfacing a PIC with a bunch of 3.3V devices. I *might* need to run the PIC off 5V for reasons I'll mention later. If the PIC is running off 5V, can I just use pull up resistors on the SDA and SCL lines to the 3.3V supply since they are open drain/open collector?

The reason I might need to use 5V is because of ICSP programming and USB stuff. I have to check if the 18F2550 can handle flash mem erases with a 3.3V supply with my programmer (melabs U2) and whether or not I need a 5V supply for any of the USB stuff.
I think you will have problems as the inputs to the I²C module are schmitt triggers and require 0.8*Vdd for a valid high. This is only my interpretation of the data sheet and so I could be wrong.

There are various ways to solve this problem. See Microchips Hints & Tips

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