Simple linear servo?

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New Member
I am looking for some advice on what I can use as a simple linear servo to push a latch release mechanism. The servo needs to push/pull down on a spring loaded latch which acts as a catch for a rail mounted sliding aluminum rod. The servo needs to release the latch upon the press of a momentary switch and then allow the latch to return to its original position when the switch is released. I need a very small servo for this project. There is not much room to work with, say less than an inch in all directions.

I know I need a control circuit but I have not done any electronics projects in a long time so I thought I might just order something like this: ServoCity Manual Servo Driver - to simplify things.

I guess I will just use a nano servo with some kind of linkage I think that is best the solution. Anyone have a different suggestion?
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As you only require 2 positions, have you considered model railway points motors. The N-gauge ones are tiny.

BTW, the board you linked to has two potentiometers not two push buttons.

I think lefty is probably right. A simple 12v solenoid will work better for this project if I can find one the right size.
How about an electric door lock from a car, they come in several different configurations/sizes.
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