Simple programer for my laptop needed

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New Member
I need to put togeather a simple Pic programmer that I can use with my laptop. The Laptop has a printer port and uses a 16 volt power supply witch I can tap into. I also have a 7406 ic that i was wanting to use.. but Not sure what circuit i was going to use.
What Is the quickest one to build!!

Thanks, but that programmer uses the serial port. all I have is a Parallel Port!
I need something that I can Slap Together Today . As I would like to make some changes in my code while im away from home .
Just as OY2L, I also use a software on my laptop running winxp. I power the P16PRO40 with 2 9v batteries as Nigel has suggested many times.

It is a well know design and should not be hard to build. If you look at a thread I recently just posted I was given troubleshooting help when my programmer was not working.

Hope this helps.
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