Simple RF relay for PICAXE chip

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I need a simple RF transmitter and receiver for a PICAXE chip. All I need is a circuit that with a touch of a button sends a RF signal somehow to a PICAXE chip telling it that, that button is pressed. It needs to be simple, inexpensive, and the range needs to be about 300 feet indoor (with walls in the way).

Any help is great thanks!!!
Here are the transmitter and receiver circuits.

I use a PIC micro for the receiver.


  • 27MHzTx-4Ch.gif
    6.1 KB · Views: 983
  • 27MHzReceiver-4Ch.gif
    5.6 KB · Views: 903
Am I really talking to someone who thinks they can solder two components together? . . . . . Remove the parts you don't need.
Is there any onther circuits that have 2N transistors not BC transistors, because I don't have any on hand exept 2Ns and I am not old enough to order stuff online.
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