This is a circuit I designed many years ago to do exactly the same thing, but for speech recognition mics in a home automation system.
[And thanks to Willen for redrawing it in legible form, from the pencil back-of-a-beermat grade original sketch I sent him!]
Ignore "Gnd 1" and the F terminal, they were from an earlier version.
It's for a three-terminal electret mic with internal FET preamp; I got a batch of very nice Shure mics with long cables but bare capsules, at the time.
The capsule connects to A for positive / fet drain, B fet source, C ground/ casing.
The balanced output is D & E with C again as ground.
The concept is that the signal is fully balanced (signal-wise) at both the mic and the preamp output. It turns out to be very similar to the Schoeps condenser mic circuit, though I had not seen that then.
The big difference is that I used a balanced common emitter output stage, effectively modulated current sinks, rather than emitter followers.
The work very well, a mic capsule set flush in a wall can pick up voice commands from 20ft..
If it's a two terminal mic capsule, just ground terminal B; it should still work reasonably well.
[And just to be clear, it is designed for a 48V phantom powered system].