Simple White Line Follower

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Thanks for the comments.

Yes, that battery is a poor battery. And it won't last more than 10 minutes. It has to supply current to 2 motors, LEDs, motor driver, micro etc. But during development I used DC adaptor, see + - terminals near the wheel. During test run I used rechargable battery. I put that new battery there
(only lasted 10 minutes) because it looks good and new for taking picture.
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Looks cool. Not many componts used. PCB and wiring look very neat. Does it work?
Wingmax said:
Yes it's working, just needs to be improved.

That's the point.. usually all the hard work is in the 'improvement' phase. Tell me if you need some help implementing PID control.. i was just working on that from a week or two with my teacher...
hi frnd..
can u help me to design a robot....
i am a student of ece .. at jaypee university ....
i hope u will help me ..
ikalogic said:
That's the point.. usually all the hard work is in the 'improvement' phase. Tell me if you need some help implementing PID control.. i was just working on that from a week or two with my teacher...

Hi Ibrahim,
Thanks for offering help. I don't need help yet, but if I need help in the future, I'll definitely ask you. Hope you don't mind.
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