Simulating a static shift register in LTSpice.

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I would like to simulate a static shift register like the CD4015 in LTSpice for a simple application Is that possible?

I would like also to have the chance of simulating the CD4017 and CD4018.

Any help is appreciated.
Where is it?

Where to look at, Eric?

I looked for it prior posting. Checked again but could not find it. I have an updated version of LTS.

Do you need to do anything to use your symbols beside putting them in the digital file as an .asy?

Do you need to do anything to use your symbols beside putting them in the digital file as an .asy?

hi Ron.
I just unzip and then move the different files to the folders that contain like file extensions in LTS.
I have to use '.include cd4000.lib' on the circuit layout,,, if its in the main LTS lib folder or if its somewhere else the full '.include C:\folder\folder\name.lib'

To make my life easier I have sub folders in LTS , for Digital circuits, OPA, Comparators.. etc

The Copy and Paste from existing circuit layouts can speed up the creation of a new drawing.
Do you have a specific problem with that cd4000,lib.?
Digital logic

You know me I have a mental block when it comes to LT Spice

Here is what I did:
I uzipped then opened each B symbol into LTSpice.
I then saved as (example) digital/40106B.asy
When I put it in a schematic I added .include 40106B
But alas it can't find it.
See path below.


  • digspice.PNG
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When you press F2, you should see 'CDlogic' listed in the window that pops up.

Double Left click it, a window should appear with all the CD devices listed.
Find the CD40106B in the listing [ note the numbers are not sequential]

Left click and OK, place the symbol on your circuit.

Type in .include cd4000.lib on your circuit.

This should now give you the ability to run the sim, when the circuit is complete.

Lets know what happens, if you wish post the asc file thats giving the problem

I don't know why I have so much trouble with this, but I do.
Here is what I did: Uzipped your files and copied them to LT Spice under symbols. Picture 1.
They show up fine in the main menu. Pic. 2 and the next step toward installing one in a schematic (Pic.3)

So far all looks normal and good.
Continued next post


  • pic1.PNG
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  • pic2.PNG
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  • pic3.PNG
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spice cont.

It goes in the schematic ok, but when I use the include statement I get the can't find message (picture) This is the same if I change it to include .sym or .sub or .asy.
Also attached is the asc. file.


  • inclib.PNG
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  • cd4000b.asc
    148 bytes · Views: 503
hi Ron,
When I open your asc file , I see this, it says .inc cd4000b

If I edit to correct it, it runs OK.


  • AAesp03.gif
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  • AAesp04.gif
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  • cd4000b(1).asc
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Last edited:
The folder location should be like this image.


  • AAesp05.gif
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Same o.
So I must have saved it with a bad file extension or in the wrong directory?


  • 4000.PNG
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Hmmm. When I unzip the file the name is CD4000 - no extension. So I renamed it CD4000.lib. Copied it to the sub folder of spice & deleted the cd4000 file from the sym folder in spice. Now no picture of the component to put in the schematic.

Put CD4000.lib in both folders (sub & sym) now it can't find CD4000.lib

hi Ron,
By deleting/renaming folders its possible that LTS is corrupted, I would save your asc files and then remove LTS, download and reinstall.
I have zipped a sequence of images showing the folder structure in LTS.
Added an original copy of CD4000.lib


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I can try that as a last resort i suppose. I hate to loose all my other stuff.

In looking at your folders I notice 2 files that look like they have something to do with the 4000 family

1- CDLOGIC in your .sym file
2- CD4000.Lib in your sub file

I only have one. Is that my problem?

PS. You are always here! Thanks for the efforts!
hi Ron,
Those files are in this zip, I have used my folders for the zip.


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