Simulating DAC output or other quantised signals

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While experimenting with simulation of some filter circuits for digitised data, I amused myself by creating a simple model of a quantised signal generator to test the circuits (I know, I should get out more ).
In case it's of use to anyone else I've attached the .asy and .sub files for the model.
The model has two user-specified parameters:
1) a value 'Bits' to define the bit-width of the digital data (e.g as fed to a DAC),
2) a value 'Fsv' to define the full-scale voltage corresponding to the number 2^Bits.

Here are a couple of examples of the model use:


  • Quantiser.sub
    211 bytes · Views: 219
  • Quantiser.asy
    717 bytes · Views: 220
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