First, let me declare that I know very little about simulators, but I do know a bit about transmission lines.
I thought this circuit is similar to 3 resistors in series
No, transmission lines are not resistors.
shouldn't the incident voltage at the point between R2 and TL-A be 50/(50+50+75)=0.571V?
If this resistor assumption were correct (which it isn't), the expression should be more like 50
+ 75/(50+50+75)=
I understand that the time taken for the signal to come back to the probe point is twice the transmission delay. Isn't this the case be it 1 or 2 transmission lines?
Basically, yes.
As the pulse travels from R2 to TLA it will see the surge impedance of TLA as 50R, ie no change in impedance, so no reflection.
As the pulse travels from TLA to TLB it will see the surge impedance of TLB as 75R. An impedance change so there will be a reflection. The impedance is higher, so the reflection voltage will be higher.
This reflection will be seen at the R2 TLA junction after 2 x 5nS = 10nS. The simulation shows this.
As the pulse travels from TLB to ZL it will see the surge impedance of ZL as 0.001R. An impedance change so there will be a reflection. The impedance is lower, so the reflection voltage will be lower.
This reflection will be seen at the R2 TLA junction after 5 + 10 +10 +5 = 30nS. The simulation shows this.
Now it starts to get tricky!
As the reflection from the load ZL passes from TLB to TLA, there is another impedance change from 75R to 50R, this creates a reflection back to the load, which then reflects back to the source. So after a trip up and down TLB ie 10 +10 = 20nS we see a further reflection at 50nS total time.
Not only that, there is another reflection as the reflection meets the TLB TLA junction again. So after another 20nS (70nS total) we see a reflection back at the R2 TLA junction.
I hope that makes a bit of sense because my head is starting to hurt, and it is lunch time!
A bit of terminology.
I transmission lines, Surge Impedance is the same as Characteristic Impedance.