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What Program do you use for simulating PIC programs
there is "PIC simulator ide" , "Proton" , " Proteus" , "Mplab"
what program do you use and what do you think of it
I want to know the most popular and the best one
thanks for everyone in advance
What Program do you use for simulating PIC programs
there is "PIC simulator ide" , "Proton" , " Proteus" , "Mplab"
what program do you use and what do you think of it
I want to know the most popular and the best one
thanks for everyone in advance

If you use MPLAB to write your code, the most obvious would be to use MPLAB's built in one. I have tried some others, but switching between 2 programs the whole time was not worth the effort. MPLAB's only downfall is, it's not very easy to add simulations for the ADC etc (that I know of).
Proteus does work very well to save time on building prototype boards.. I use it mostly when I'm almost finished with my code, or when I want to see how the code will run on hardware I've not used before.
All are fine more the price you get more options & user friendly environment.

My favorites "PIC simulator IDE" & Proteus
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