Need to convert ~ 4Vp-p sine to 3-5Vpk square wave , low freq, maybe 5kHz max, usually under 1kHz.
The search term for this is "comparator" These can be AC or DC coupled to trim for asymmetry.
The design parameters would be tolerances for asymmetry , slew rate , frequency and amplitude here is easy, unlike uV..
"De-Noiser, Slicer and amplifier" are also used with Comparator.s.
But we surmise you are not fussy about precision here and more focused on cheap and simple.
After reading more of the thread, it seems you have some sine position encoder. Is it a Sin/Cos encoder? with direction and cycle counts?
In any case, the leading edge only needs to be noise free to count cycles, and we don't know if phase or low frequency response is important and it seems your sine is DC biased and output uses a 3,.3V supply.
A better question always gives a better answer. ( include all specs, tolerances and purpose. with sensor links)
- it also appears you are DC coupling and put the Cap in Crutshow's (?) cct in shunt rather than in series. or R was way too small < 100 rather than 1M
just guessing... since shunt RC response integrates a square wave into a triangle.