Sinewave Inverter 12 Vdc to 220 Vac

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Please help. Sinewave Inverter 12 Vdc to 220 Vac

Hi everyone,
I'm new to PIC. I'm trying to do the sinewave inverter 12 Vdc to 220 Vac using PIC16F877A and 12 Mhz Crystal. Can i get the assembly code for frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Please help me. Everyone who know the code in assembly please give me know or e-mail me at Thank's.
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can you give the schematic, source code or all about how to make sinewave inverter 12 vdc to 220 vdc for 50 Hz or 60 Hz frequency and 100 watt or highest using PIC16F877A. please help me...I'm confused how to make the sinewave inverter. thank's for everyone want to help me..
Please note that no one's going to do all the work for you. Perhaps you should be thinking about a more simple project as a sinewave inverter isn't simple and you appear not to have the level of experiance require to design one.
hero...umm y are you always saying someone is inexperienced...dont get mad im just saying that would make me mad if you told me that.....
i think from what he said he is already somewhat experienced...and yea i know you are more experienced that me
All I'm saying is that if you don't know how to create a 50 to 60Hz time base using a micocontroller then you probably don't have enough experiance to build a pure sinewave inverter.

I'm not meaning to put anyone down, Edy_Tse88 probably has more experiance than me in the field of microcontrollers and programming but I know enough to know that you need to attempet the simpler things before going on to the really complex stuff.

Why would it make you mad if I told you, you were inexperianced?

That would only be my opinion which I would have fromed from reading your posts so you can't take it too personally.
Thank's all to give me explained.
But i'm really want to make the sinewave inverter. please help me.
who can give me the sinewave inverter source code for 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
PLease.. please help me...
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**broken link removed**

aci var word
i var byte
sinus var word

trisb =0
for aci = 0 to 127 
  portb = sin aci
  pauseus 100
next aci
goto basla

This is the basic code to produce about 50 Hz frequency. You can change "pauseus 100" line to get the frequency you want.
Thanks ftsahin,
but i'm not familiar with C programing. Can you give me the source code in assembly. And how to calculate about 50 hz or 60 Hz frequency. Thank you so much for your help.
but i'm not familiar with C programing.
No problem, the code is in BASIC.

And how to calculate about 50 hz or 60 Hz frequency.
50 Hz has a period of 20 milliseconds. 60 Hz has a period of approximately 16.33... milliseconds.

I hope this helps.
Thanks all.
and thank's mneary.
Can you help me to give me sinewave inverter source code for 50 Hz or 60 Hz using PIC16F877A. And comparator source code. For example When the potentiometer is set to a voltage under 2.5 V, the comparator's output will be low and the LED at RD0 is ON. But when the potensiometer is turned up past hafway or more than 2.5 V, the comparator's output will go high, LED at RD1 is On. Thanks...
It seems likt you want to be spoon fed, please think about some of these questions before you ask them.

You don't know C and want the code in assembly?

Then why don't you just learn C?

Some compliers can be configured to output assembly rather than binary.
Hero999 said:
Some compliers can be configured to output assembly rather than binary.

But it's really badly written asssembler, and VERY difficult to understand.
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