Single line lcd

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Well-Known Member
Hiya Guy's,
I tried posting this ontop of the HP LCD thread but it went un-noticed so I'll try again. The photo's are from a HP MP3 Laser printer I stripped yesterday. It only has 10 pins instead of 14 or 16 that Hitachi type LCD's have. I'm wondering if this is Hitachi compatible and with only the 10 pins maybe it will only do 4 bit mode. When the printer worked the LCD had a back light so that would leave 8 pins, this is why I think it ia 4 bits. If anyone can provide info aswell as the pinouts I'll be greatfull as I want to put it to good use in one of my projects.

Cheers Bryan


  • lcd2_165.gif
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  • lcd1.gif
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If it hasn't got the correct number of pins it obviously can't be Hitachi compatible!.
Ok thanks for that Nigel,
So if it isn't Hitachi compatible does anyone know what protocol the LCD uses? It seems a shame to throw it away just because I can't find any data on it. I have spent hours using search engines to try and find out for myself but I keep drawing up blanks.

Cheers Bryan
Hi WilliB,
Na mate the printer was a HP MP3, I got it off a mate about 5 years ago and it was a network printer that originally cost the company $25,000. The only reason I scrapped it everytime I tried to print a page I spent an hour getting the jammed paper out and I bought a xerox laser printer for a good price. As far as the pic goes I just scanned it but my new camera is a beauty, when I need to post a pic it will be with the new digital camera.

Cheers Bryan
I think it works in 4-bit mode too, it has (probably) 44780 compatible controller, so it is Hitachi compatible (except the interface)...
yea tomorrow I'll set it up as in 4 bit mode asumming the pins are the same and run a pic with a simple program. I'll use my 16f628 that still works after having a smoke, just have to use portb thats all. if it works then it's going into my rpm meter program I'm working on.

Cheers Bryan
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