Siren sound from a PIC

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New Member
Is it possible to create a sound wave that goes up in pitch then down smoothly. Similar to an emergency siren(something like the pic)? I normally use PIC Simulator IDE or PicBasic to program if it helps.

That would be even better! I have been focusing too much time on PICs and not much on other things. Know of any quick schematics on how to do it with the 555?
here's a schematic to convert dc to ac:
**broken link removed**
but the output needs to be adjusted though, change the values of capacitance and inductance

or you can download the 555 timer datasheet, they contain schematics which will need some parametric adjustments. Either way do it on a breadboard, if you're not into PCBs then do it on a donut perfboard when you want to solder the whole thing together.
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