Siteplayer and Lighting Control

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New Member
I'm working on a project that will hopefully turn lighting contactors (about 26 total) on and off thru siteplayer. The lighting is turned on/off with an
**broken link removed** asco contactor. I'm considering a pulse initiator to do the dirty work.
My questions, what would be the best way to take the 5 volt output from siteplayer and provide the switch closure needed by the pulse initiator? (ie. relay, transistor.....)

should I scrap the pulse initiator and do the work with a pic?

any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Do you plan on turning the lights on sequentially or simultanously?
One pulse initiator for each contactor?
A relay out will give you isolation between siteplayer and the initiators and you can use multiple contacts, ie 4 pole relay, for further isolation between initiators. Watch your current load on contactors and current out on initiators so that you don't overload..

Sorry, should have been more specific. Each contactor will be capable to be turned on/off individually. the most I will have on any one siteplayer will be 6 contactors. The contactors are located thruout the building so I will have as many as 6 siteplayers. I may wish to command all 6 contactors on one siteplayer on at the same time so a time delay per contactor to stagger them on/off may be a good idea.
This timer will do the job. I use them to stagger HVAC fans. Looks like adding a pic to this circuit is looking better.
Looks like adding a pic to this circuit is looking better.

A pic will probably do the job but you will still need some sort of interface between it and contactor..The time delay is a good idea..The siteplayer looks networkable(?) I don't know enough about pics to make an intellegent assessment of thier use..

You are right Gerty. I chose the siteplayer because I can locate them around the building and need only to provide ethernet connection to have web based control.
I'm thinking now that I'll look into a pic to provide the time delay and also to replace the pulse initiator.
It seems like the program will be easyenough to write.
I'm not sure of the best way to provide the isolation between the pic and the contactor. Possibly an NPN transistor to drive a relay? (two sets per contactor)
Siteplayer calls for a bank of lights to come on.(SP-IO1 goes high) The pic sees this and starts a time delay,(5 seconds) , then pulses the transistor for .5 seconds to energize the relay pulling in the contactor. When SP IO1 goes low the pic will pulse the 2nd transistor and relay to deenergize the contactor.

Anythoughts would be welcome.
For total electrical isolation I would have the pic turn on an opto isolator to drive a small relay , which in turn would turn on the contactor..If you use sockets for all the ics and relays it'll minimize your downtime in the event of a component failure.. The .5 second pulse you mentioned might be a little short, some lighting contactors have a heavy armature and the pulse length may be too short in duration for it to complete it's travel???
Sounds like you have the plan worked out otherwise...Let us know the results..
Thanks for the help Gerty. Funny you should mention the sockets. Today at Cables and Connectors I was buying the relays when the salesman suggested the same thing. I bought a pack of 10.On my next trip I'll get the opto isolators. Hope to do some bench work this weekend.Siteplayer and pic programming could take longer. I'll definately post my progress.

Thanks again..
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