sl100 and sk100 datasheet needed

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Here is what I found From many Web Searches.
SL100 and SK100 Transistors
SL 100 and SK100 complementary pair
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SL100 NPN, Si, 50V, 500mA, 40<hFE < 300
SK100 PNP, Si, 50V, 500mA, 40<hFE < 300
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hotwaterwizard said:
Ok here! This is the best I could do.

Got to admire your dedication, but the post is almost three years old! - the OP might be dead by now?
I suppose it will still benifit the other members here and anyone else searching this forum so keep up the good work!
Missed your calling HWW, you should have been a bounty hunter or at least one of those Canadian Mountie thingees...

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