small project

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New Member
I want to make this little project, the only problem I don't have the right training in electronics.

this is picture of what I want to do

power on (9volt) , switch on light bulb off
power off (9volt), switch on light bulb on
power off (9volt), switch off light bubl off

any help will be appreciate it



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I'm confused about your wording:

Does "power on" mean "the battery is connected"?

Does "switch on/off" refer to the position of the toggle switch?

If yes to both, then what powers the bulb during the middle case: "power off (9volt), switch on light bulb on"?
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Right, the problem here at this point is one of description: what are you trying to do?

Perhaps making a little "truth table" might help, like this:

Switch - Battery - Light
ON ------- ON ----- ON
OFF ------ ON ----- OFF

(just for example)

I too can't understand how the light can be on when the battery is "off". I'm sure you can explain this better.
you see that is why I'll stay in the kitchen and you guys in electronics

yes to both and probably I'll need 2 battery

So what are you trying to do, anyhow? What's the purpose of this project?

If you think it's too small for us to bother with, I happen to think small projects can be fascinating in their own way, sometimes more than not-so-small ones.
Can "Power on/off" be a second switch? Then you could do it with two switches, just one power source (battery), and the LED
And what you do in the kitchen, by the way? In my case I am really bad at cooking. No hope.

One suggestion: try to explain your idea with different words. That usually helps. Believe me.
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