Small Project

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New Member
In my electronics class in high school, I have been working with a pic 876a microcontroller. My teacher gave me and a few other students a project to work on. I just have no clue where to begin, considering I don't have much knowledge of the pic programming language.

The project is for an electric motorcycle. This particular section of the project is dealing with the headlights. He wants us to use "pseudocode" and make the lights flash five times when the brakes are applied. I have no idea where to begin. Can someone offer some help?
He is not asking you to program the PIC. The use of pseudocode is the big clue. If he wanted you to create code to run on the PIC he would have asked you to write the program in assembly or a high level language like C or Basic.

He is asking you to show how the code for the task would work using pseudocode. He should have talked about pseudocode in class. The link I provided gives an example of pseudocode and should be enough to show you how it is done.
They're basically block diagrams for programmers, just an outline of what's to be done, not the details, it's just written to look like code blocks.
Well, he doesn't want us to program in any high level language like that. We use a program called Microbasic. Keep in mind (I'm sorry I didn't mention this before), this is a high school class. We use commands such as "TrisB=%00000000", and things such as that.

Any idea what I mean?
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