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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Smile, tomorrow will be worse! What to do to have Electronics as a hobby at future?

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Hello guys,

Maybe it is better I start by telling that I don't prefer to be agreed with this Murphy's law: "Smile, tomorrow will be worse !" Which wants to reflect that today is a better day than tomorrow;)!

previously I started a thread about the falling down of the age of Electronics fo us:

There I told that as an young guy who has put a lot of his time/life to learn electronics I am worried about the future of Electronics (say in 20 or 30 other years) for us which are engaged with it the way we are (not of course for the Electronics companies and consumers!). Because the common point of us in this forum is Electronics, So I am starting this thread to request other guys and friends to come in and put their ideas of how can we do something against it. Or how we can try to do something so that do not feel disappointment in the future (say by directing or perhaps by changing our interests or so!:eek:).
I am pretty sure that there are new idea, ways, methods in this regard which are waiting for us to discover them and stick with them!

I myself have got 2 ideas for now:
1: The other day I noticed that several scientists tried & managed to cooperate to deisgn a Humanoid Robot with the capability of learning and performing just like a 2-3 years old baby. Their activity was related to Mechanics, Electronics, Computer hardware & software and so on. Regardless of the subject of the money matters the main reason they could reach to that goal (which of course is a very interesting activity and makes a lot of hobby!) was this fact that they tried to work as a TEAM (this is one of the Keys why the corporations and companies are able to create/ produce new devices even at these days which technology is much complicated than before). So I myself think that it might be possible to create a team out of the other electronics lovers and hobbiest to do almost HIGH TECH activities in this branch (even via internet!) which of course can bring a lot of pleasure yet fills the free times (to be honest I do not like to make crystal radios as my hobby at my agedness!). Doing so of course can help the technology and the humans as well.

2: I can remember that one of my friends who has a compony once told me that money brings a lot of pleasure and itself is kind of hobby! So I am thinking if we can focus on the new ways related to electronics as a hobby yet with the ability to bring us an income to be satisfied for ever!? It may be interesting as well (if for instance a crystal radio brings you money at age 60-70 you would be much more glad than when it doesn't).

I will be glad to hear the opinions and of course the suggestions of other guys/friends in this reagrd.

Sincerely yours!
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2: I can remember that one of my friends who has a compony once told me that money brings a lot of pleasure and itself is kind of hobby! (emphasis added) So I am thinking if we can focus on the new ways related to electronics as a hobby yet with the ability to bring us an income to be satisfied for ever!? It may be interesting as well (if for instance a crystal radio brings you money at age 60-70 you would be much more glad than when it doesn't).

If you ask almost anyone why they work, the answer will be "to make money." It is said that the test of a real entrepreneur is to ask why the person wants to make money. If the answer has something to do with lifestyle and what they can buy, then that person is probably not a real entrepreneur. If you get some sort of blank look, and the answer is something like, "making money is good," then you have found a real potential entrepreneur. It sounds like your friend fits that description.

I think it is better I mention that I know perhaps some guys are not agreed that the age of the electronics for the practical men is going to fall down (I prefer to use the term collapse:D), It's ok, They can come in and let us know how to make the electronics more interesting for us?! Why should we just stick to making circuits? why shouldn't we upgrade our tasks somehow in this regard (maybe some guys do that somehow?)?
If you ask almost anyone why they work, the answer will be "to make money." It is said that the test of a real entrepreneur is to ask why the person wants to make money. If the answer has something to do with lifestyle and what they can buy, then that person is probably not a real entrepreneur. If you get some sort of blank look, and the answer is something like, "making money is good," then you have found a real potential entrepreneur. It sounds like your friend fits that description.


Thanks John for your reply.

I agreed with you but To be honest I just wanted to say that a hobby can be much more hobby
(Ie much more interesting and attractive) if it brings money as well! So we can think about it as well, if you know what I mean.

Think about what the human really adds to the equation in any discipline. If your answer is doing something, such as assembling PCB's, inserting artificial joints, and so forth. Then the outlook is dim and includes replacement by machine. No human can duplicate the speed and accuracy of a machine. Even complex surgery is increasingly being done by machines. (In years past, some highly trained salespersons did joint replacements, because they were younger and more adept than local surgeons. That was a scandal in the USA.)

The human adds thought, planning, and fresh ideas. In electronics and every other field, I don't think the latter will ever be replaced.

Hobby? What's that?

In my younger years, I had a job and got paid for doing a service. Everyone needs to eat. I worked well more than the minimum hours per day, though, doing what I liked to do (research). Was that a hobby? By some definitions, it would be, since I got paid the same whether I did it or not. However, my promotions took it into account. Even non-job-related hobbies broaden your perspective and can help you in your job.

Thanks John for your reply.

I agreed with you but To be honest I just wanted to say that a hobby can be much more hobby
(Ie much more interesting and attractive) if it brings money as well! So we can think about it as well, if you know what I mean.

That raises the issue of "conflict of interest." Your employment contract may be very specific and restrictive in that regard. Mine was. Don't let that stop you. You don't have to get paid for the activity for it to be worthwhile.

I don't see any problem.... Don't you think electronic guy's in the 50's and 60's would have asked the same questions as you..... Electronics change through time as new technologies emerge, its up to us to keep up with it... When the digital electronics came out I'm sure really good electronic people, wondered about their future.... But moving into digital has not proven to be a problem... Most electronic engineers have embraced those changes...

I have been here for decades... I know very little analogue stuff ( enough to get by ) When I see Eric giving help on these matters, its obvious that he was a good electronic engineer.... Now he has more than embraced digital electronics...

This industry isn't going anywhere in the next few decades.... It will change... But it will still be here.

YOU!! must keep up with the changes and use it to your own advantage.

BTW This used to be my hobby.... I got a bit carried away...:confused:
As Ian says, this type of question, is there a future for hobbyists, has been asked by wannabes as long as I can remember.

In the 1950's and 60's , Government dumps of WW2 electronic surplus equipment gave a big boost to hobbyists, you could buy very cheaply complete, working equipment.

Some we converted to home made TV and Radio receivers.

In the 1970's the introduction of semiconductors gave it another boost as did the home PC in the 1980's.
We started building and programming our own computers when the early MCU's became available back in the 1970's.

So the pattern seems to be is when a new technical breakthrough happens it gives the hobby market a boost.

I have been designing commercial analog, digital circuit equipment and programming MCU's since the 1970's.

Even though I am in my 81st year, I still get a buzz out of designing and programming. :rolleyes:

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Well for years I sampled a heap of chips and now I got my cnc going making circuit boards will be a snap but the major problem for me is time. Now I'm self employed weekends are when the job is done and on most occasions the next job starts the next day. Atleast with the extra $$$$$ coming in when I do get spare time I'm on getting the new shed beside the house finished. I will have a 6x3 metre area for the new power room and the rest will be my new electronics room. The cnc will be home there and with the wood stove cranking heat 24 volt fans will provide plenty of warmth via 6" ducts placed where needed.

It will be a major job to sort through all the chips and the hardest part trying to remember why I sampled them.....

So for me thing may have gone way ahead but the place I call home doesn't have mains power, mains water, a sealed road so what ever the world does it won't be changing here much so for as far as 'is hobby electronics dead' I will say no not here.....
I agree. Those are interesting videos and show some real dedication to DIY.

I used to do a fair bit of scientific glass blowing. In fact, when our departmental glassblower quit in a tiff, I filled in during his absence. I find it relaxing. It is one of those things that you either get right the first time or start over. The more you mess with a joint, the uglier it gets.

Still, I would never consider it as a job; although, it did serve a purpose when I was a starving grad student.

I agree. Those are interesting videos and show some real dedication to DIY.

I used to do a fair bit of scientific glass blowing. In fact, when our departmental glassblower quit in a tiff, I filled in during his absence. I find it relaxing. It is one of those things that you either get right the first time or start over. The more you mess with a joint, the uglier it gets.

Still, I would never consider it as a job; although, it did serve a purpose when I was a starving grad student.


What did you made: bottles, jars, lenses? Any pictures? What department was that?

Chemistry department. Made specialized glassware for whatever was needed or repaired some of the breakage. For my own work, it was mostly glassware for high vacuum work (e.g., a greaseless vacuum system), photochemistry, and for what was considered in the 1960's as "micro" chemistry. That is, reactions and syntheses using less than a gram of starting material. I did make a few trinkets for girls. No pictures have survived that I know of. John

Think about what the human really adds to the equation in any discipline. If your answer is doing something, such as assembling PCB's, inserting artificial joints, and so forth. Then the outlook is dim and includes replacement by machine. No human can duplicate the speed and accuracy of a machine. Even complex surgery is increasingly being done by machines. (In years past, some highly trained salespersons did joint replacements, because they were younger and more adept than local surgeons. That was a scandal in the USA.)

The human adds thought, planning, and fresh ideas. In electronics and every other field, I don't think the latter will ever be replaced.


Thanks like always John.
You are a good friend:).

Well to be honest, I started this thread so that we try to participate and see if we can do something for our electronics hobbies/loves in the future or not. Ok come to think that the future of electronics as is open and sweety for us, Why not make it even sweeter somehow? Even for today not for tomorrow, why shouldn't we try to put our heads together to make it even better? I think there are a lot of good methods/recipes if and if we try to think about them. For instance most of us suppose that we are here in this forum to help or get help about Electronics. This forum has got thousands of memebers (ie thousandof active brains!), why we consider it just for giving/taking info? aren't we able for instance to think if it is possible to use it so that create a team to do something interesting (even more interesting than our current jobs/hobbies) and yet benifitical for the world? What's wrong with this idea? No supporter or the other barriers?

I have another question as well, Do you guys know How many of us here try to exchange info so that write a say IEEE paper or even earn money somehow?! We can consider ourselves as a big family here, but why we just try to exchange information? A big family can do a lot of different things which exchanging info can be part of them.
I don't know but maybe you guys and friends are not so agreed with me, or even say that the purpose of this forum is for XXX, but anyway we have a saying here which states:
if you think like always, you'll come to the same conclusions you have ever reached!
If you do something which you have always done, You'll come to the conclusions you have ever reached!

So sorry guys if I am making you unhappy somehow.
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That raises the issue of "conflict of interest." Your employment contract may be very specific and restrictive in that regard. Mine was. Don't let that stop you. You don't have to get paid for the activity for it to be worthwhile.


Hi again John,

If a person tries to do something VERY SOON in that regard then I don't think that he/she come across to the issue of conflict of interest. When you start very soon then it is you who decide what to do, But if you do not decide soon then it is the World/ Others who decide for you, are you agreed?

Yes you don't have, But I just said that it can be much better. what will happen if earn money from your hobby then? Well you will be much more glad and satisfied.
Please take this in to the consideration that I am just offering suggestions no thing more yet, My suggestions may or may not be true, but I just want to give this (or the other related thread) a push by them. It was very good if other guys tried to come in and give more suggestions by their kind.

I don't see any problem.... Don't you think electronic guy's in the 50's and 60's would have asked the same questions as you..... Electronics change through time as new technologies emerge, its up to us to keep up with it... When the digital electronics came out I'm sure really good electronic people, wondered about their future.... But moving into digital has not proven to be a problem... Most electronic engineers have embraced those changes...

I have been here for decades... I know very little analogue stuff ( enough to get by ) When I see Eric giving help on these matters, its obvious that he was a good electronic engineer.... Now he has more than embraced digital electronics...

This industry isn't going anywhere in the next few decades.... It will change... But it will still be here.

YOU!! must keep up with the changes and use it to your own advantage.

BTW This used to be my hobby.... I got a bit carried away...:confused:

Thanks Iron for your input.

As I mentioned in the other related thread, I am really fearful about the future of electronics because the speed rate of the changes in this subject is unbelievable today.
But ok, If you and other guys/friends think so it is Promising somehow for me. Then we can talk about how to try to promote our electronic hobbies/interests as I told in my post #15:). Isn't it a good idea?
I would like to help other guys here somehow in this regard if they would like but yet I do not know how, so I need suggestion please.
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