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New Member

I was wondering if i might be able to get a little help with something im working on.
I will try and give as much info as i can.

I need a Power supply for project, the power supply has to put out 15v @ around 100ma

There is limited space in the case i want to use, were talking 50mm x 50mm floor space with a 15mm +/- 1mm overhead.

All the transformers i can find are too tall so i cant use these, so i started looking at the SMPS types, there are soo many to look at im a little lost.

PSU spec required is

Input 240v AC
Output 15v @100mA

Also just to make things really awkward i need the cost to stay pretty low.

Does anyone have any ideas, or maybe someone has built one with success?
if it is not a school homework, you will get in market with lower cost and better specs.
the only concern is your limited space.
It is not homework

I have looked for a commercial solution but there doesnt seem to be one that fits my requirements
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