3.15A A/S is a standard fuse value, and VERY common in TV's. The thermistor could be replaced with a similar device from a different TV, or even a 4.7 ohm 7W resistor, whivh is commonly used for reducing the surge.
It's likely the chip has been killed as well, I would change that, the FET's, the other bits you've identified, and check EVERYTHING else. Semiconductors in particular, diodes etc. often die when the FET's fail - in my (considerable) experience FET's are far more unreliable in TV PSU's than bi-polar transistors.
I used to assemble repair kits for the most common TV's, and change the entire kit every time one came in with a duff PSU.
One unusual failure is the reservoir capacitor, these sometimes go O/C, and while some sets work quite happily, others destroy the PSU.
Even more unusual is transforrmer failure, I've seen a few failures over the decades - presumably it's a poor design, as it's usually the same model where transformers fail.
If you don't replace all the faulty parts it will self destruct the instant you turn it on.