SN74HC74A by TI

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New Member
elo everyone.. i'm a trainer engineer and had given an assignment to measure the characteristics of IC 74HC74. I didn't really understand how to read the data sheet and how to measure the specification as a below:

1-static power supply current
2-output voltage
3-clock frequency
4-transmission delay time
5-rise time,fall time

hopefully you guys can help me.. tq..
Are you also trying to use a SPICE simulator, or were you planning to round up a power supply and a signal generator, a breadboard and an oscilliscope?
i have done the PCB fabrication and before i test it using the oscilliscope, function generation and power supply..
1- i need to do a test planning include the characteristics in the data sheet. My problem is i not really understand how to read the data sheet.. what are the meaning of H level and L level and the condition in the function table..
2- can we simulate using software e.g SPICE, before the manual measurement take place..

Do a Google search for SZZA036B

Its a Texas Instruments document pdf that explains how to read datasheets.

Its about 900K.
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