snap-lead binding post

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New Member
I've been looking for a particular kind of binding post for the last few days, and I've had no luck. Hopefully someone can help me out. I have snap leads that I'm using for a project that connect any standard biopotential sensor like an EKG electrode, etc, and I need to find a binding post that has the same kind of small circular nipple that an electrode does. The closest I've found has been this: **broken link removed** , which is a snap-to-alligator converter. I'm looking for the same kind of binding post found on this simulator box:
**broken link removed**
Has anybody come across one of these before? Thanks for taking a look!
Snap Lead Binding Post

D Dash - did you ever find an answer to your question? I've been looking for a source for the same thing - we used to buy them from Symbio Corporation, but their website doesn't list components any longer - and the only thing I've found is at **broken link removed**. What I see in the picture may be a standard banana-jack binding post with the banana-to-snap adapter installed; try
If you DID find a good source, would you please pass it along? Thanks!

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