so? 16f84+6210

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New Member
wont work!
i have tryed a lot.
but cant find a complete project of sending sms

nokia 6210 connected with RX to PIC 16f84a port b.1

im compiling it:

SerOut2 PORTB.1, 396,["AT", 13, 10]
Pause 1000
SerOut2 PORTB.1, 396,["AT+CMGF=1", 13, 10]
Pause 500
SerOut2 PORTB.1, 396,["AT+CMGS=", 34, "+972544567209", 34, 13, 10]
Pause 500
SerOut2 PORTB.1, 396,["Test-message", 13, 10]
Pause 500

pic sends some pulses out, but mobile just do nothing
is it a wrong programm or a hardware?

ps, i need simply to send SMS.
i think i missed up something important..
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