So how you southerners liking all this snow and cold?

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Last week we got a 30 degree warmup in 4 days. This week will make it 40 degrees. We don't get gradual changes from season to season anymore, just cold one week and warm the next.
55° today and slush everywhere. Wait.... I see a nut riding a motorcycle despite patches of ice and water everywhere.
55° today and slush everywhere. Wait.... I see a nut riding a motorcycle despite patches of ice and water everywhere.

I saw a guy stood outside a pub this dinner - wearing a t-shirt and shorts!!. It's not snowy here at the moment, but it's not very warm.
I saw a school kid today walking home from school wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The temperature is a balmy +7 degrees C.
I saw a school kid today walking home from school wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The temperature is a balmy +7 degrees C.

We had the same thing for the last week. Its our normal February thaw and it does make for a nice break from the many weeks of around 0 F and below we typically get from the end of December to the middle of February.

If its above freezing and sunny you can always find a few people running around here in shorts and tee shirts too!
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Born, bred & biased in SW Michigan: my Mom said "you can always put another layer on, there's only so many you can take off".

Two fast points: 1> Those abjectly believing in "global warming" probably aren't familiar with Long Term climactic cycles, Far in excess of our weather databases. 2> Calving of the ice shelves is a real problem, yet whos' significance can't be accurately measured because of the cycles in 1>. We'll just have to see... <<<)))
Actually, those of us who have looked into climate change are very familiar with long term cycles, and have gained sufficient knowledge to know one has nothing to do with the other. You're bringing up a very old argument that's been beaten to death on this forum. Everyone has pretty much realized there will be no resolution amongst the memebers and has decided to leave the subject alone for the sake of keeping a peaceful and friendly forum. Tread this topic with caution.
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Point 1. They think they are but have hard time finding any math or evidence that solidly backs them up any better than those who have doubts because they cant make any more accurate sence of what happens long term either.

Point 2. The ice sheets are disappearing every place that they are not staying the same or growing which is sort of like the global warming issue, its warming up every place that isn't staying the same or cooling down.

And lastly anything that happens in your back yard that contradicts what I see in my back yard doesn't count. Only my back yard observations count but only if they agree with my personal political agendas. If not then what happens in your back yard counts and mine doesn't.)

Clear enough?
All I know is that if you post your honest opinion and observations on this topic, somebodies feelings get hurt, they complain, and you get banned for two days. When you return, you get a warning about being permanently banned, if you continue to post offensive material, that might hurt someone's feelings. Basically, if you have an opposing view, you either keep it to yourself, or get bullied for expressing it. There is only one acceptable view on this topic, either step in line, or say goodbye.

Now that is something I can absolutely' strongly agree with. Every time this subject rears its ugly head things go to hell real quick. Like Deja Vue all over again.

On another note, closer to the topic, Friday was a day that will live in history. We were getting slammed again with a snow storm, including high winds. The traditional blizzard thing. They actually came out at work and sent everyone home. That was about noon on Friday. In over 20 years I never saw this happen. I declaired myself non-essential and happily started my weekend early.

Wow, that is kind of weird. When I was living in the Northwest, we had some pretty bad storms, but knew they were coming. Most people were sent home, well before things got bad.

Here in Florida, winter is most definitely over, been mid 80's for a week now. No mention on the weather news about record highs though, so must be normal. Started mowing the lawn this morning, mostly oak leaves and weeds, but ran out of gas, and too lazy to drive up to the gas station. On vacation for the next week, so no real hurry. Got some running around to do tomorrow, haven't renewed my car tag yet, and birthday is tomorrow. Not real sure how many days after, before I get into trouble.

Best wishes for a happy birthday and many, many more.

Mowing the lawn? I have a lawn, I just can't see it right now. I do have reason to believe it is out there under the snow.

My maple tree has buds (under the snow) because I saw them before it snowed and I see them again today. So spring is coming soon!
My lawn is covered with about 1" of snow today and was bare and growing a couple of days ago.
There are many birds and wildlife all over the place. The forcast for tonight and for a few days is rain. Then it will freeze again then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw until Spring.
We are still running 20 degrees colder than normal here but they are predicting it will get warmer, maybe even above freezing some time.

July or August seem to be their best guess at this point.
We are still running 20 degrees colder than normal here but they are predicting it will get warmer, maybe even above freezing some time.

July or August seem to be their best guess at this point.

Some people predict that it will be considerably warmer for everyone, in a few decades, maybe as much as 0.6 degrees warmer
Some people predict that it will be considerably warmer for everyone, in a few decades, maybe as much as 0.6 degrees warmer

A whole .6 degrees in 30 - 50 years? Is that degrees F or C because I will certainly need to take added measures if its degrees C.
Then it will freeze again then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw then freeze then thaw until Spring.

Some members have said AU is starting to sound like a broken record..... I wonder if the above quote proved it...........
Some members have said AU is starting to sound like a broken record..... I wonder if the above quote proved it...........
Sometimes I get carried away when I copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste things.
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