So what's got your underwear frosted?

How do you rate your weather this winter.

  • Freakin cold.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's so cold I hate everything and and everyone.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • To drunk to notice.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Never gave it all much thought. I tested the generator a few times and made sure the trucks would start. I discovered just how much I like being retired and no longer have to get up and drive to work in snow and ice storms. My good friend and neighbor does snow removal and plowing so that is never an issue, I do his electrical work, so life is good on that note. Worst we saw was -15 or so and while it has been a few decades it does in fact get that cold in Cleveland, Ohio.

Not a myth. Skin color plays a vital role in how our bodies convert vitamin D or produce it.

Yeah, interesting as my last doctor checkup visit I guess my blood work showed I was a little light on Vitamin D. The doctor gave me some once a week pills till we start seeing more sunshine. Go figure huh?

Long as we are warm and comfy and I have beer and hard cider I am just fine. I have plenty to do in the house to keep me amused and busy.

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