So when did ETO start advertizing condoms?

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Perhaps tcmtech has been perusing the porn sites and has "tracking cookies" set in his .dat folder so now he gets condom ad popups?
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But now I can do whatever I want however I want whenever I want without any surprises 9 months later.

Yea until your better 1/2 finds out and you wake up with it missing and the other 1/2 standing there with a butchers knife............ Surprise....... you got busted.........
Yea until your better 1/2 finds out and you wake up with it missing and the other 1/2 standing there with a butchers knife............ Surprise....... you got busted.........
I am happily married and am faithful. I didn't say "with whoever I want".
The truth behind Audioguru is he used to do it all night long. Now it takes him all night long to do it!
I like to DO IT all night long.
My wife is from Spain so she is a hot lady.
My wife's "hot flashes" ended years ago. Now she enjoys DOING IT and other fun things with me again.
I forgot to mention that I am wearing a portable ECG unit for 24 hours. Then my cardiologist can see how many times and for how long I DO IT. I might lie on the diary about what I was doing that made my heart race. Running with my dog maybe?

Maybe my cardiologist is making me have the recording of my heart so that he can collect a huge payment from the government health care system again. He told me that my heart occasionally skips a beat then occasionally adds a beat when I am resting. When I excercise hard my heart beats steadily. He said there is no problem.

My eye surgeon also said my cataracts operations went well and there is no problem. But he want to see me every 6 months for the rest of my life. So he can also collect a huge payment from the government health care system?

I was forced to sign that I agree to pay the hospital $3000.00 if I don't return the ECG thing tomorrow.

That ECG thingie must be a pain in the arse? How many leads?
The portable ECG monitor had 5 leads. The electronics unit was small and lightweight in a metal covering and had a leather case. It was made by a Japanese company and distributed by General Electric in Greece.

I wore a portable blood pressure monitor for 24 hours about a year ago and it woke us every hour then operated every 30 minutes in the daytime. It was a nuisance.
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