Solar Power Generators?

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New Member
i want to create myself a solar power generator, doesn't matter how much power it generates. basically i just want to design a system which is capable of running 2fans/2lights for my class room

otherwise i want to use the existing solar plates which usually comes with solar lights (which are availbale in market) to produce maxm current/voltage... any help/documents are welcome
What voltage and wattage are the lights and fans?

Are the fan motors AC or DC?


EDIT: By the way, welcome to the forum!
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otherwise i want to use the existing solar plates which usually comes with solar lights (which are availbale in market) to produce maxm current/voltage... any help/documents are welcome

this can be everything that produce some sort of power in the sun

please be more specific wath you mean

there are a lot of markets in the world so where are you located

for solar panels in general they produce the maximum of energy when they at an angle of 90 degrees in the sunand the closest to the sun (equater) and the cooler the plates are the better the efficiency is

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Also fill your location, notice that all other posts here have it entered in the profile.

Location is obviously paramount for aolar questions.
Here's a rather nice way.
You need to track the sun, very important. There is a post on that, check it out.
Use a system of dishes to focus your sun to a hot part, which is actually the hot side (chamber) of a Stirling engine.
This can be run nicely, even with slight gearing, to pull a simple genny.
You can choose whether you want AC or DC (type of genny), and electrocute whatever you want.
Stirling engines off the sun is quite fun, but you need to have some savy to build it.
Just advice, nothing more. Hope it gets the gray matter going.
ok let me clear my view

1. i have done a project which inverts 12v dc to 220v ac supply

now if i am able to generate 12v from solar power and store it into battery, i can achieve my goal....

hopefully this is enough information
Hi nitins60

you will be able to achieve your goal

the only thing that you need is solar panels a charger and batterys

india does make solar panels so i asume they are the chaepest option for you, so check your local yellow pages

probably india also makes deep cycle batterys so again check yellow pages and/or internet

charger that you need i will post a schematic that works (build 2 of them already and they work happely also a lot of schematics are availible on internet

next time if you have a question it's better to give to much info than to less

to quick in pushing the button (I forget the atachment)



  • solar (dis)charge control.pdf
    220.4 KB · Views: 496
if you can, please post the full details regarding circuit and how to use it. i have gone through circuit and couldn't get the way it's used. anyway thanks for yr help
the full details is not that much of a use for you unless you can read and understand Dutch

if you point out where you have a problem with understanding it than we can help you with that

what is your experiance level on electronics ???

i am newbie to electronics, doing engineering in elecronics and communication... that too i am 2nd yr student. so please help me to achieve this... if possible, provide full circuit details. thanks
Hi if you a second year student than i asume you can read the schematic and reconize some comon practice of electronics setup/building

A1 is used to control the Fet which you can see as a electrical controled resistor in this shematic

A3 is just a signaling if the voltage is above a set level (not critical for the charger function)

A2 is a discharge controler as soon the voltage drops under a level it will disconect the user in order to save the battery

A4 is a electronic fuse if the current is to high (setting is adjustible) it will shut off the load to protect the battery and/or user

if you have more questions be more specific of what you don't understand after all all these sections of the circuit are just variations on basic switch/control techniques with a opamp

it would be defenetly in your electronics schoolbooks

hi ! am new member, i want to design a circuit which could detect smoke/gas and then responding by sound alarm which could alert anyone nearby that there is a danger of fire or harmful gas, could you help with my design?
hi ! am new member, i want to design a circuit which could detect smoke/gas and then responding by sound alarm which could alert anyone nearby that there is a danger of fire or harmful gas, could you help with my design?

Jewson - please start your own thread under the appropriate topic.
Poor nitins, now his thread was hi-jacked, so he will not be able to get anywhere with it anymore. He's stuck by the side of the "proverbial" road.
What kind of gas?

smoke and gas in one unit?

smoke detectors are cheap now these days and tested and certified for human and property protection (insurance guidlines)

keep in mind that if you design something like this that it is a legal problem if you sell it comercialy for any kind of protection

for your own use it's not a problem


and agreeing with arie a new thread is a better way of doing it
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While "solar tracking" helps, the gain is overshadowed by the cost in money and reliability.

A much more advantageous approach is maximum power point tracking (MMPT). The efficiency curve of a 12V solar panel maxes out at 17V- the MMP. The panel voltage goes up with light and the resistance goes up with temperature.

In MMPT you regulate the panel voltage by varying the load and continuously dither the load while monitoring the supplied power.

There is a nice demo on national's as yet vaporware "solarplus" technology site where they "race" two solar golf carts one conventional and one "solarplus" (MMPT).

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