Solar tracking system

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New Member
I am new user of pic and i am making solar tracking system using LDR. i am facing problems in my code that its not giving desired results that is supposed to be........i am simulating it in proteus but not giving output..........i have run the components separately giving true output, but whenever i connect pic controller it is not working.......i am attaching code and proteus file.......plz help me
THANKS in advance.


  • code.c
    3.4 KB · Views: 209
  • fets.txt
    3.8 KB · Views: 150
Ok i am sending you the proteus file. Do helpp me in coding as well.
Thanks in advance


  • solar
    8.2 KB · Views: 211
Mr tzyuen1122 its really simple. i hav already uploaded the zip file. there is cct diagram in it. check it out and do tell me if u still unable to comprehend it.
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