Don't really have enough angle aluminum on had to make a frame like the first panel, so been thinking a little more exotic, since I'll need to buy anyway.
2" Al angle makes for a nice frame.
I'm looking to use a pair of wiper motors (got 6 or 7 laying around), they are pretty strong, and the worm gear should hold position well. Also have a linear actuator off an old satellite dish, might be useful, but about 4 feet long (retracted).
Went the car seat motor route, and it was a mistake, because they are only intermittent duty. Nice and compact though. The up/down motor gets stink'in hot. The motor is hooked up to a 3/8" universal joint (like the socket tool type), which in turn is welded to some 1/2" all thread.
One thing that has me stump, is the pivot points and support for the panels. Need something that will be strong and steady in high winds, maybe a hurricane, yet still move when needed.
Seen a linear actuator that pushed up a couple of good sized panels on an RV once. Swear to god that it was going to twist right off the roof in a good stiff wind. Which led me to the idea of traveling bar arrangement.
The travelling bar (1 1/2" sq. tube) has the all thread nut in the middle supported to either side by 1/2" drill rod. The traveling bar slides on the drill rod with 1/2" brass bushing inserts.
In this case there are three pivot points. The lower one is the one you would expect, from panel frame to turntable. The second one is approximately mid panel frame to lever bar, one each side of the panel frame. And three, is from the traveling bar ends, each side, to lever bars.
So when the motor is turning the all thread, the travelling bar pushes/pulls the lever bars to to push/pull the panel frame up and down. This makes for a very flat profile when retracted, sturdy, and somewhat complicated design.