Solder Flexible printed circuit (FPC)

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Hi guys, I was wondering if there is any way to make longer Flexible printed circuits (FPC) .

I explain, I have a Flexible printed circuit (FPC) and I want to make it longer, at least 1 meter longer.

Is there any way to do that ?

Does exist Flexible printed circuit (FPC) elongation ?
How you create FPC ?
I guess you use programs like proteus to design the circuit and than you print it using a plotter , but on which paper/circuit board do u print them ?
Also, lets say u have already a FCB and u want make it longer, like I want to do, how can I scan the FPC that I have and inport in a software (like proteus) to understand how the original FPC was designed (at least the part of the FCP that get connected on the motherboard and locked with clips, see attached picture "IMG_1249"), and than create a 1 meter FCP with at both ends a new designed "male" and "female" end part of the FCP , so that one side can go on the motherboard connector and the other side on the male original FCP end...

Any suggestions pls ?

Thank you


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Sorry to double post, but maybe this is the best session of the forum to post this thread. Moderators, pls feel free to delete the pther post if u feel that way. Tx and sorry

Hi guys, I was wondering if there is any way to make longer Flexible printed circuits (FPC) .

I explain, I have a Flexible printed circuit (FPC) and I want to make it longer, at least 1 meter longer.

Is there any way to do that ?

Does exist Flexible printed circuit (FPC) elongation ?
How you create FPC ?
I guess you use programs like proteus to design the circuit and than you print it using a plotter , but on which paper/circuit board do u print them ?
Also, lets say u have already a FCB and u want make it longer, like I want to do, how can I scan the FPC that I have and inport in a software (like proteus) to understand how the original FPC was designed (at least the part of the FCP that get connected on the motherboard and locked with clips, see attached picture "IMG_1249"), and than create a 1 meter FCP with at both ends a new designed "male" and "female" end part of the FCP , so that one side can go on the motherboard connector and the other side on the male original FCP end...

Any suggestions pls ?

Thank you


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I think you're approaching the problem from the wrong angle. I would attempt to make an extension cable with proper connections on both ends. That being said, don't. Extending those tiny little signal lines to over three feet long spells nothing but trouble.

Sometimes it's better to ask how to achieve your end goal. What are you trying to accomplish overall? Perhaps others have a nice solution to offer.
Thank you, I work in a geochemistry lab. I am thinking to put a lens(just the lens) of a sony camera in a box, where I have an instrument inside. I want to record the footages while the experiment is running. There is no space for all the body camera, so I can put just the lens of the camera. So I was thinking to extend the wires that connects the lens of a sony DSC-tx9 to its body.
There are just 2 wires that connect the lens to the camera body.

About making an extension cable with proper connections on both ends, how could I do that without the need of soldering ? Are there any connectors/extensions to just put on both ends of the wires ? I can upload close up pictures of the ends of the wires...

Thank you
I think a better approach would be a fiber optic attachment, a cheap camera with composite output or cut a viewing port into the experiment box and seal it up.

Here's an example of the camera, for the price you're unlikely to find more cost effective solution. All it needs is pwr, gnd and a TV to watch it on (or computer with a capture card).
**broken link removed**

Even a cheap USB webcam is an option, it ties up a computer maybe but then power and storage aren't an issue.
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I know of this solution, but the video quality is the big issue.
I have to be able to slow down the videos and get sharp images to look at the experiment in slow motion detail, and full hd 60i or 60p is the way to go. Sony cibershots are tiny and capable to do that. So I would like to find a way to modify the camera aboe.
What about :

fpc wire-to-board connector

or wire to wire connectors

or something like that ?

or what about converting fpc into ribbon cable and than re-convert the ribbon cable to fpc.

I may be able to get the service manual of the sony camera above for seeing the specs of the two fpc , but are there online stores that sell these types of connectors to extend fpc ?
Is it possible that it is NOT possible to extend fpc ?

thank yu again for your reply and suggestions
There are high resolution board cameras, that take up less space than your assembly. I've got a B/W, but it takes a CS mount lens, so probably all together about the same dimensions, for around $30. **broken link removed** Pretty sure this is where I got it, and this is the same one, and it was cheaper a few years ago...
I have a B&w 600 tvl board camera and it is not enough for quality.
I would stick with the idea of modifying the sony tx9 if possible to do it.

thank you so much for the suggestion.
Sorry but relocating the image sensor and assembly just isn't a realistic option. Maybe provide some dimensions and wait for others to make suggestions.
Sorry but relocating the image sensor and assembly just isn't a realistic option. Maybe provide some dimensions and wait for others to make suggestions.

Why do u think it is not realistic ?

What do u mean for provide some dimension ?

I can buy the camera service manual and get all the specs of all the camera parts and in the specific the specs of the 2 FPC , but it costs 12 dollars. Do u think is worted to spend these money or you think is impossible to relocate the lens at 1 meter to the camera body ?
Why it should be impossible ?

Thank you
From the original post, you already have the camera, and already have it torn apart, so any other suggestions are useless, since you already dug yourself a hole (committed yourself) to extending the cable. It's just doubtful many, if any have attempted something like this. Even if you do manage to extend the cable, hard to predict how it's going to perform, you are adding resistance, as well as a great potential for picking up noise and errors, which the camera may not handle well. You will never know for sure until you try it, but doubt anyone, even the camera's design team can tell you if it's going to work.

If you can get a couple of FPC connectors, and a spare camera FPC cable, you might be able to make a couple of adapter boards. Would guess there are quite a few conductors, so good luck with that. Should also mention that a camera's sensor resolution is meaningless, if your optical components or poor. The right lens for the application makes a huge difference.

I don't think anyone is saying it's impossible, just impractical, risky, and low probability. I do remember that about a year ago, somebody posted a link to a company that specializes in FPC cables and connectors, my interest was for some small graphic LCD displays, never pursued though, kind of expensive for my budget at the time. Might try searching the forum or the web.
I don't know of any way to do what you want. There are some tutorials that show some toner transfer and direct print for some flexible PCB, but I don't think it's going to be good enough for FPC cable replacement. There are board manufacturers that offer FPC for small runs, but my understanding is that it's quite expensive.
@marcolisi: Please do not post the same thread twice in two different areas/forums.

The two threads have been merged. One is a pointer to the other and will disappear in a month.
Sorry I will continue posting here than.
But on the other thread I was asking in general if I can solder wires on a FPC, because that thread was talking about that and than someone kindly replied and I pointed him to this thread.
Sorry about that.

I am experimenting on an used 20 dollars camera the sony DSC-T10. Than if it works and I master it , I can do it on a 500 dollars camera...

Coming back to experiment in elongating the FPC, attached are the specs of the 2 FPC. They are :




Maybe there are other ways.
What do u guys think ?

Thank you


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**broken link removed**

Not too about the specifics, but your connector/cable seems to be 33 pins/lines, maybe something from the link above. Use Google, there were several other companies as well, this just was my first choice. I'd pretty much guarantee that your aren't going to do this from scratch, with whatever you got lying around. Very small, very precise... but then again, haven't attempted surface mount either...
On a related note. What are the connectors that the flexi PCB plug into called? Anyone know of a reasonable priced source?
Mouser has a limited stock. Found the 9 pin one I need at digikey. Thanks.

EDIT: TYCO 5-520314-9
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Thank you so much for the link.

I do not completely understand your reply for a language barrier .

What about instead of wiring/soldering buying instead a

FPC to Round Wire Conversion (to extend the cable)

and a

Round Wire to FPC Conversion (to re connect the round wires to the camera body/socket without the need of soldering or else ?)

what do u think about this other idea ?

Also, how can I see and understand the FCP dimensions ?
You said that thatone should be 33 pins/lines , but where I should look for it ?

thank you
Look at the schematics you uploaded (pdf). I really can't imagine soldering something so small by hand. I didn't read the entire documents, you will have to find the right specs. I think the conversion cable has the FPC to fit in the camera connector, maybe already both ends. Don't know if they do single cables either, kind of sounded like they do cables for production (quantity), but can't hurt to ask, maybe business is slow...
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