soldering help

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New Member
im new to electronics and this is the first time ives solderd to a pc board can any one give me tips on soldering to one and is there a way to solder 2 holes together
What do you mean "solder two holes together"? Do you mean connect them with a piece of wire? Soldering is much easier if you use flux. Do not use plumber's flux because it has acid in it which eats up copper. Use non-activated rosin flux. Most electronic solder has flux in it, but coating the copper with flux helps. Hold the soldering iron on the pad and apply some solder, holding the iron there until the solder flows and is smooth. It takes some practice.
You want to make a solder bridge between the soldering iron and your part/board, this will allow the heat to transfer much quicker. Try not to leave the iron on for too long or the board will begin to melt and lift the trace off with the iron, if it isn't working for you then remove the iron after 2-3 seconds and let it cool down before you try again.
Make sure you don't move the part while the solder goes through it's stages to solid (wet/plastic/solid) or you will have a bad solder joint (it won't look shiny).

Hope this helps

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