Soldering Iron troubleshootings

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Hello everyone, this is my first thread here.
I am using a 60W soldering iron which has a temperature regulator on it. I have never seen anything like this. Also this iron has a ground crockodile clip which saves me from the unnecessary shocks.Also it is automated. It turns off/on all by itself sometimes. I want to know more about my iron. How to use these types of soldering iron with long lasting durability? Is it safe to use the regulator arbitraryly( when necessary)? How to use the regulator carefully?
It is approx. 6$ soldering iron(I want to give you an idea actually)
Another question: I have heard some crackling sound from my soldering after 4 usage. Is that okay? After some minutes the sound was gone though( there were solders on the tip and I forgot to clip the ground properly).


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