I connected some headphones and fired it up. No smoke so far. It made a bloopity-bloop chime in the phones. So, it appeared to be working, but it took forever for it to show up on the list of devices on my phone and computer. Eventually though, I got it connected, and had audio coming out of the phones.
Every 10-15 seconds it would make another little chime sound. What the heck? Then it occurred to me that it was giving me a low battery signal. Checking the supply voltage it was at the bottom end of the allowable range. I'd just stuck a couple of 1N4007 diodes in series with the 5V USB adapter to drop the supply voltage down. A single diode gave a supply voltage of 4.2 V, which is at the top of the allowable supply range, and I thought that would be borderline. So I'd added the second diode, but obviously that made it too low. I changed to a single UF4007 which gave about 4.0V. That made the low battery chime disappear, and it now shows up quickly on the computer and phone, and connects quickly. So, it definitely doesn't like to operate at the low end of the power supply range.
Audio quality seems pretty good. And, I'm happy that I didn't need to do any configuration of the chip. Basically, it worked right out of the box.